Sunday, September 26, 2010

Naruto 512 Predictions

Status: Prediction 1
Naruto 512

Madara: What does it say?

Zetsu: Well. It says that the two hosts are on an island in the lightning country. Elite ninja are guarding the area. It also says that Naruto has gained control of the nine tailed fox.

Madara: This is going to be fun.

-Madara clenches his fan and raises it upwards.

Madara: I haven't felt alive in a long time. Time to loosen up. But first plan of action.

Madara: Zetsu you keep on the look out. Kabuto you attack the hidden rock. As for me. I'll speak to Sasuke.

Madara warps to Sasuke's location.

Sasuke is about to set out to Konoha.

Madara: How are you feeling Sasuke?

Sasuke: Good. Konoha shall have a taste of my pain.

Sasuke turns his head towards Madara and reveals his eternal mangekyou sharingan.


Madara: Take care of those tools outside the base. They been watching us for days.

Sasuke: Don't give me orders.

Madara: ...Child.

Madara vanishes

- Scene switches to Outside the base -

Kakashi: Okay. Prepare to make a move.

Shino: !!! Someone is coming from out the base.

Sasuke emerges from the base.

Sauske looks around and spots several of ninja.

Kakashi: This is going to get dangerous.

Sauske: Kakashi and my ex-comrades... You all will be crushed.

Kakashi: NOW!!!

A slew of exploding tags and a stream of suiton, fuuton and katon bombards Sauske into a huge explosion. However, Sauske uses a full Susanoo.

Sasuke: Losers.

Kakashi: !!!!

- Scene switches to the Island -

Naruto and Bee are exhausted from training.

Madara appears

Madara: Both of you are coming with me.

Killerbee: Yo. Nine-o. Lets get this weirdo.

Naruto: !! Madara.

Killerbee and Naruto strikes their battle pose.

Madara's EMS and Rinnen'gan is shown.

-Next time: War.-

Status:Prediction 2
Naruto 512
Madara meets the two hosts.

Madara: Both of you. Are coming with me.


Naruto makes a trio of Kage bunshin.

Bee readies Samehada.

Madara uses Katon: Multiple fireball jutsu

Naruto and his shadow clones dodges the fireballs easily. His clones near Madara.

Madara: Hmph!

Madara sends his elbow thundering against of the clones face. The clone vanishes into white mist. Madara's Knee meets the abdomen of another clone and that one also vanishes into white mist. Naruto and his clone brings themselves closer to Madara for an attack. Madara then springs into the air a few feet and unseaths his Harisen. With a mild swing of his Harisen a gale of air mixes with the terrain below causing a minature dust storm to blind Naruto and his clone.

Madara lands back onto his feet and darts towards Naruto, but then Killerbee saves Naruto by smacking Madara with the Samehada.

The dust clears up and Madara does a series of flips and lands on a tree branch.

Madara: Not to shabby.

Killerbee: Yo Nine-o. Lets show this guy what happens when he messes with two hosts.

Naruto: He becomes toast right?

Killerbee: eh.. -Sweatdrops-

Killerbee: GO!!!!

Naruto goes Rikudo Mode

Killerbee goes into his tailed state

Madara: ?!! What the?

Madara is shocked by Rikudo Mode.

- Scene switches to Sasuke-

A whole army of Cloud, Leaf and Mist ninja are keeping their eyes locked on Sasuke.

Kakashi is shown with Neji, Shino and Chouji.

Kakashi: I'm going in!


Kakashi darts towards Sasuke.

Sasuke: Fool.

Susanoo's fist smashes Kakashi.

Samui: He's reckless. Tch.

A bunch of fodder ninja jump onto the scene but Susanoo ends up knocking them away like flies.

Omoi: I see why the Raikage lost half an arm to this guy.

Sasuke: Is laughing uncontrollably.

A hand emerges beneath Sasuke and Kakashi pulls him down into the Earth about half way.

Sasuke: !!!! WHAT?!

Sasuke looks down and see that he's quickly sinking into the earth. He then uses Chidori Nagashi, but is pulled into the earth. He spots Kakashi and impales him with a chidori. But Kakashi turns out to be a kage bunshin.

Sasuke then activates his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and turns around and spots Kakashi.

Kakashi: !!! Dammit. He spotted me.

Sasuke: With these eyes I can see everything.

Susanoo sends Kakashi flying.

- Scene switches to Rock Village -

Rock Shinobi: Us help Konoha? Yeah right.

Tsuchikage: Akatsuki has seven bijuu. If we let them win. We all lose.

Elite Shinobi emerges forth.

Elite Shinobi looks manly. He has an axe. An eye patch with the Rock forehead protecter on his wrist. His muscular figure intimidates his comrades.

Rock Shinobi: So I guess we have no choice then.

Elite Shinobi: Man up and stop being weaklings. I've fought in two shinobi wars and managed to get away from that fourth Hokage. This shinobi war is my time to shine.


Tsuchikage: Whoa this guy is serious.

Elite Shinobi points his axe towards the exit of the village.

Elite Shinobi: TO KONOHA!!!

Tsuchiakge: I'm the Tsuchikage.

Elite Shinobi: Shut up old man. There is a war to win.

Next time - A shocking secret

Status: Prediction 3
Naruto 512
Tobi sets his sights on Naruto!

(The scene picks up right where it left off. Zetsu tosses the scroll Tobi’s way. Tobi catches it with his left hand as he uses his right to hoist his weapon on his back. Now, using both hands, Tobi begins to unravel the scroll.)

Tobi: “Nice, Kisame… It even has the Hachibi and Kyuubi’s coordinates charted on here.”

Kabuto: “You’re going alone? I’ve heard that Kumo’s Hachibi made a fool of Akatuski and this Naruto bested your finest man on the job. Ku, ku, ku, oh, you have so much faith in your fighting abilities, am I right?”

Tobi: “How would you like to test my powers?” (Tobi gives Kabuto a stare, a stare at which makes even Kabuto sweat a little.)

Light Zetsu: “Oh my.”

Dark Zetsu: “Madara is not one to be crossed.” (Kabuto throws his hands up in a truce.)

Kabuto: “Now that’s more like the Uchiha Madara I’ve heard about in the legends, no need, I believe you.”

Tobi: “However, you need to earn your right to Sasuke. Come on, take care of the Hachibi.” (Kabuto bows down as he grins.)

Kabuto: “As you wish!”

Tobi: “Zetsu! I’ll leave you in charge here. I want all of the vital equipment moved to the second base. Warn Sasuke as well. They’ll attack here. Somehow they’ve found the location of our fort. They’ll be here in like a day, it shouldn’t take us too long to get back, but I want you to get a head start!”

Kabuto: “….”

Light Zetsu: “Yes Sir!”

Dark Zetsu: “We’re on it!”

(The scene switches over to the hidden island in Kumogakure territory. The gang is all sitting down, in a circle.)

Motoi: “Damn, I can’t believe we were fooled like that?”

Killer Bee: “Yep, bro is going to iron claw me, ya see.”

Motoi: “I’ll be relieved of duty…”

Yamato: “We have to think of something guys.”

Motoi: “If only we could get into contact with Raikage-sama and warn him about the slip.”

Killer Bee: “Hey yo! I was out during most of the meet, but since I’m sweet, we should be able to intercept them, yep!”

Motoi: “Good going Bee!”

Yamato: “Hmm, I know the Kages stressed us not to get the two hosts involved, maybe we should leave you guys here.”

Aoba: “Good idea!” (Naruto stands up.)

Naruto: “No way! I came here to get stronger so I can protect my village! Sitting here won’t accomplish anything!”

Yamato: “Geeze, here we go again.”

(Gai balls up his fist.)

Gai (in thought): Way to go Naruto, let your passion explode!”

Motoi: “Stay here you two, Bee, just tell them where to go.”

Killer Bee: “Well.”

Naruto: “NOOO! I’m going and that’s FINAL!”

Yamato: “ENOUGH! (Everyone stops their bickering.) NARUTO! STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD! You were sent here so you wouldn’t end up captured. That’s what the kages decided. You’re not just any ordinary ninja Naruto, you are a host of Konoha, which means if we lose you to the enemy, the balance of power will be ruined and that could jeopardize more than just our village here. Think about the future Naruto, that’s what a Hokage does.”

(Naruto has an annoyed look on his face. From a distance, Killer Bee tells Yamato where to go. Yamato dashes off. The scene switches over to an opening portal somewhere on the island. Kabuto and Tobi come out of it.)

Tobi: “So, this is the uncharted island in Kumogakure territory.”

Kabuto: “An ideal place for maintaining secrets.” (Tobi scans around the area using his advanced Rinnegan view to get an X-ray view of the surroundings, and spots Killer Bee, Naruto, Aoba, and Gai in a general area. The view then switches back to normal.)

Tobi: “Found them. 4km, south, 6:00. There’re five of them, one of which is Might Guy.”

Kabuto: “I see.”

Tobi: “Approach with careful detail. If possible, we might be able to take both of the hosts in with a sneak attack.” (The scene switches over to the good guys. Motoi is standing around, Naruto is lying on his back, in distress, Killer Bee is doing, um, practicing his rhymes. Gai is sleeping and Aoba is just pacing around.)

Motoi: “Hey, I’m going to uh monitor the island’s security, see ya later.” (He walks off into the forest.)

Killer Bee: “YEAH UH! (Bee does strange hand movements.)”

Naruto: “Hey, Killer Bee…”

Killer Bee: “Oh, what’s up Naruto!”
Naruto: “How can you be all relaxed knowing that your friends and family and everyone you know are fighting this war, when you, who have all of this power, isn’t allowed to do anything?

Aoba (in thought): “Wow, he’s still on that?”

Killer Bee: “Hmm.” (The scene switches over to a forested area. Motoi is seen collapsed on the ground with teeth marks on his neck. Meanwhile, four white snakes are stealthily slithering through the vegetation. The scene switches over to Kabuto and Tobi, who are behind the white snakes.)

Tobi: “Kabuto, those bites are meant to stun right?”

Kabuto: “Well I have I have two wired to inject paralysis, the other three wired to kill with highly poisonous venom.”

Tobi: “Very wise, that way there’s no leaking to the allied forces that the hosts were taken immediately.” (The scene switches over to Samehada, which is near the good guys. It starts vibrating and making noises.)

Samehada: “Gi, Gi, Gi, Gi, Gi, Gi.” (Killer Bee rushes over to Samehada and picks it up.)

Killer Bee: “Hey, baby, what’s up! Oh, you’re still shaken up that the fish face has his case shut. (Then Samehada points in a direction.) Whoa, this is serious! Naruto, heads up!” (Naruto flips to his feet, while Aoba rushes to wake up Gai. The scene switches over to Kabuto and Tobi’s location.)

Tobi: “Crap, they know we’re here!”

(Kabuto and sends his four snakes off at fast speeds, while Kabuto rushes forward. The scene switches back to the good guys. They are approached by for 4 snakes from the front. Naruto makes the shadow clone handseal and produces three shadow clones. Naruto, along with his shadow clones, each take out one of the snakes with a Kunai. Naruto then disperse them, the shadow clones.)

Meanwhile, Kabuto slithers in at fast speeds to the left of Killer Bee, however, Samehada alerts him, so Killer Bee quickly swings Samehada in that direction, which causes Kabuto to lean back, however, the snake tail of Kabuto launches forward and attempts to strike Killer Bee, however, Gai comes in and kicks Kabuto into the forest. Naruto, along with Aoba, quickly rushes to Gai and Killer Bee’s location and instantly puts their backs together so that they each face a direction. Killer Bee then speaks up.)

Killer Bee: “Whoa, what the hell? And Samehada is like shaking, again, something big in front of us.” (Instantly, a large wall of flame is approaching the troop. It stretches very far into the sky and is wide. As it nears them, Naruto bites his finger makes handseals and touches the ground. Instantly, an enormous cloud of smoke appears as the flames subside. Naruto, Gai, Killer Bee, and Aoba are standing on top of Gamabunta.)

Gamabunta: “Hey kiddo, that burns!”

(Overlooking the burning forest, Tobi, wielding the large fan in his arms can be seen in the midst of the disaster. Instantly, another large cloud of smoke erupts in another direction. A boss equivalent size snake bares its fangs at Gamabunta. Kabuto can be seen on top of it.)

Gamabunta: “Hey, where’s that fool, Manda?!” (Gamabunta withdraws its dagger. On top Gamabunta, everyone is rattled.)

Naruto: “That’s the masked guy, and Kabuto, but I thought-!”

Aoba: “How did they find us?”

Killer Bee: “Wat the hell! And I thought I was gonna have a break.”

Gai: “My body can’t keep handling all of this.” (Tobi then yells from a distance.)

Tobi: “Hachibi of Kumogakure, Kyuubi of Konoha. We have come for you!”

Next Time: Tobi and Kabuto assaults the hosts! A giant battle of unbelievable proportions is about to be unleashed!”

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