Saturday, September 11, 2010

Naruto 510 Raw Spoilers and Predictions

by: Vengeance

Naruto 510: The Hidden Truth

Konan: Divine flower of the sea!!!

The sea itself transforms into a countless number of paper sheets that wrap them selfs around Tobi.

Tobi: What is this jutsu?! I'm unable to warp my body away.

Konan: This was a jutsu taught to me by Nagato in the event that he was no longer around to protect me from you. It doesn't matter how powerful you are Madara. No one can escape this jutsu not even you. The Divineflower of the sea is a jutsu that absorbs the chakra of whatever it touches making the use of jutsu impossible once caught in its grasp. Prepare yourself for judgement in the afterlife for all of your sins Madara!

The countless sheets of paper take the form of a giant flower which first implodes then shoots out in every direction. Tobi's mask can be seen within the scattered paper sheets crumbling into dust as his Akatsuki cloak lands on top of the water. Konan can be seen badly injured on both knees resting on top of one of the pilers within the water.

Konan: It's finally over... It looks like I'll get to see you soon. Yahiko... & Nagato...

*clap* *clap* clap* Konan turns around in shock only to get stabbed in the back once she looks the other way.

Konan: But... but how is this even possible...

Konan spits up blood. While a shadowy figure can be seen behind her with long spiky hair.

???: What's the matter Konan? Haven't you figured it out yet? Don't you know why Nagato never attempted to take me down?

Konan: You can't be...

???: Can't be what? alive you say? Why because you just killed me? What you just killed was simply my puppet created by our friend Zetsu. But it matters not I have no more use for such an empty shell.

The shadowy figure disappears from behind Konan & reappears in front of Konan. The shadowy figure grabs Konan by the face & looks her dead in the eye. Konan looks in aw as she's enveloped in a genjutsu. A close up of the eye is shown to be Madara's EMS.

???: You see my dear Konan there is more than one way I can get the information out of you. I'll just read your memories until I find the information I seek.

Konan: Da.. damn you... What the hell are you anyway?

???: I thought I already tolled you Konan. I am Uchiha Madara!!!

A picture is shown of Konan's back side on her knees while Madara stands over her. Madara's face is revealed within a flash of lightning revealing a huge scar across his face.

Madara: Now before you die Konan I'll explain to you the hidden truth of your dears friends.

Flashback of Nagato is shown when his parents were killed.
Nagato is seen screaming as he's confronted with the two shinobi who just killed his parents. Out of the shadows Madara appears behind the two leaf ninja quickly killing them.

Madara: Child don't be afraid... I will grant you true power the likes this world has yet to see. However you must grow stronger & learn to control the power of hate & pain.

Nagato: Who... who are you?

Madara: My name does not matter. I will meet you again in time if you happen to stay alive long enough. But for now you won't even remember this conversation. Just remember to hold onto the pain of the deaths of your parents this night.

Madara activates his sharingan

Madara: Now sleep child when you awaken the Rinnegan will be reborn!!!

Present time
Konan: You... you monster!!!

In Konoha
Sakura: That's strange the flower in Naruto's room has begun to wilt as if it's dieing.

by: Silverblade VI

Naruto 510

Madara: What is this jutsu?!!!

Konan: It's the end. Goodbye.

Madara teleports from the gap onto the other side. He then stands on a layer of origami that is camouflaged as water that begins to circumvent into a spiral.. They attach to Madara's legs immediately.

Madara: ?!! It's sticking... I don't even.. Not only that but they are attached in huge numbers which neturalizes my movement. Even If I try to warp elsewhere the strips won't allow me to.

Madara: Impressive..

Konan had a flashback

Nagato: God dammit. I've lost my best friend. WE LOST YAHIKO!!

Konan is frowning...

Konan: Its all my fault. I'm sorry Na-

Nagato: No. It's not your fault. It's those damn Konoha Shinobi fault. I will make them pay. First my parents and now Yahiko. I shall avenge them both.

Konan looks down.

Nagato: For now. We'll hide. We stood out too much.

A black shadowy figure appears...

Madara: Did I hear revenge on Konoha?

Nagato; Who the hell are you? Show yourself!

Madara steps out from the shadows in his Tobi form.

Madara: Maybe I can be a bit of assistance to you. If you don't mind.

Nagato: Tell us your name!

*Nagato Rinnen'gan dilates into more rings.*

Madara: Whoa! easy there. My name is Uchiha Madara. I founded Konoha, but then they turned their backs on me. I'm after the same thing your after.

Madara extends his hand towards Nagato.

Nagato: Sure. Why not. Welcome to the organization.

Nagato shakes Madara's hand.

-Flashback ends-

Konan thinking: Revenge is nothing but a pitfall.

Madara is shown wrapped up in a sphere made of Origami. Madara is very puzzled and tries desperately to escape. The void reopens itself again and Madara quickly descends into it's depths.

Konan: Get lost you failure!!!

Konan: Thousand Years Origami imprisonment!

The void closes up and emerges from the ocean as a small crane which emerges in Konan's palm. Konan crushes the crane by closing her palm tightly.

Konan: It's over. May you two rest in peace.

Madara comes behind with a scythe and sends it through Konan's backside, The Scythe protrudes her flesh and the tip is revealed from her abdomen..

Vital fluids spew from Konan's orifice. She is stunned. While Madara appears in his true form with half of his face showing. His face is a wrinkly and elderly appearance to it with his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan revealed.

Madara: Shit just got real, child.

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