Friday, September 3, 2010

Naruto 509 Raw Spoilers and Predictions (English)

We are at the island focusing on Naruto and his group

Leaf ninja looking out at sea-" we should get that shark he has the Intel scroll!"
Naruto walks over to him.-" No need the scroll will only have Past information on it."

Yamato looking puzzled- " what do u mean past?"

Naruto's eyes turn Sage Mode- It will say that all the villages are under Raikages field command for the war and the Bijuu are THIS Island."

KB Picking up Samehada and wrapping it up- " yeah thats what it do, it will say where we are and who's in our crew."

Naruto bites his finger for a summon and makes alot of signs at amazing speed-" thats just it...SAGE Allies reverse summon Jutsu!"

Suddenly they are in Toad world. everyone is astonished.

Guy- " the surprising power of a Sage Youth! awesome indeed."

Yamato- " Naruto...Naruto Senin, How did you do this?"

leaf ninja-" yeah i remember when you couldn't even do a transformation jutsu right. How did u do this...and where the heck are we?"

Pa Toad steps out- " you are at the Mountain of the Toad Sage, part of the Toad lands".(ok i forgot whats called)

Naruto greets him with a big smile-" grand pa Toad1 Nice to see you hopping around again."

Pa-" same to u student or should i say Master sage?"

Naruto putting his hands behind his head-" awww man i still have a lot to learn."

Killer Bee looking around- " This is really weird Naruto, The land of the talking toads?"

Everyone stares at him, except pa.

Bee's pal-" Bee, u aren't come?"

Bee sternly- " uhm one minute I'm on an island drowning in a water bubble, the next we are in the mountains talking to a toad with a walking stick, couldn't really think of a rap for that!"

Naruto turns to pa- " where is Gama?"

Pa-" he knew yo would come, the young Mountain Sage is over there."

We go back to Madara still standing near J-mans body. Kabuto walks out of a giant snake mouth then the snake disperses.

He looks down at J-mans body_" hmm.leave it to you to kill a dead guy."

Madara is not amused. As he turns around we see Kabuto's facial expression change.

Kabuto-"I see."

Madara has the three rasengans pulsating inside his cloak seem to be attached to him.
" They seem to be attracted to my distinct life energy not just my chakra. they go with me if i try to travel."

Kabuto " i stand corrected..leave it to you to be defeated by a dead man...ha ha ha. If you die our deal is changed Sasuke is Mine."

Madara "i will not die this day my enthusiastic friend."

The rasengans start glowing and making a hummm sound.

Kabuto jumping back making hand signs- " They are explosives?!...Stone Snake shield!" A giant Boa appears and wraps himself around Kabuto completely and hardens.

The explosion causes waves and debris to fly along with smoke...

Back on Toad mountain...

Naruto is standing in front of the Old Sage and Gama.
"i know what i must do. I have the power now. I know where Madara has Sasuke, i can bring him back or i will have to save him from himself one way or the other!"

Konan walks out "You are dedicated to your comrades admirable, but there is something bigger than Sasuke Uchiha.."

Naruto-" are you okay i feel like i saw everything that happened thanks to that knowledge jutsu...but i really wish it didn't send EVERYTHING he knew. I will never look at grand ma Tsunada the same way again." with a disgusting look on his face.

Off screen-"Hey stop you wart giver, thats my shark clever!"Naruto turns to see KB and Pa tug a war with Samehada.
Pa-" you idiot it's not a shark at all!"
the group and KB-" It's not?"
Pa- "No it's a chameleon. it usually changes appearance and personality to it's owner."
Pa yanking it from KB- " no you go. You nothing satisfies like natural energy does it girl?" he pours a pitcher of liquid down it's mouth. it seems to enjoy it.

yamato-" It seems to be calming down, look at it spikes they are rounding out, look more like lizard skin.
Guy- " nectar of the Sages calms the wildest spirit."

pa-"now let her choose her owner properly.' he sits Samehada down.

KB-"her?" It snifs at everyone goes over to Naruto then licks his cheek.
Finally it goes to killer bee. it jumps on his back and lays across his shoulder as if perched.

KB- there you see, it's always Samehada and me." Samehada-"of course it's us, me and you are a must."

Everyone in aww.
Leaf ninja-" It talks now?" Bee's pal- " say something else...come on do it."
Samehada is silent.
Naruto laughs- " it only like bee...and raps better too...ha ha ha."

Pa-"her names Samantha..."

Back to hidden Rain...the smoke clears and Kabuto is coming out of the snake shield.

Kabuto "well aren't you a slick one. have to keep my eye on you."

Madara stands with holes in his Robe from the blast. - " same can be said about you."

a while later they are in the layer...
Zetsu looking panicked- "he is out of control! You shouldn't have given him those eyes! he has gone mad he is unstoppable"

Madara-" Hardly."

Kabuto -" what did you do?"

Off screen- " gave me power, the power to destroy whoever is in my way.( it is Sasuke)Right now u all are in MY WAY!"

Kabuto makes familiar signs.Madara- "don't, don't do that..." he summons three coffins all with an Uchiha crest on them.

Sasuke glares at the coffins- " you dare?"

They open and out steps three in Uchiha clothing.
as it shows each one Sasuke says-"Itachi...Uncle Shisui...Father?!"

Kabuto-" i felt you should have a nice little reunion before cease to be who you are!"

Sasuke shouting I will kill you ALL!!" His mangekyo is ever changing shapes like a kaleidoscope. pulsating with different sharp designs from familiar to new.

Samehada is calm and Loyal now, Konan has Intel and Sasuke squares off against Kabuto and his family, will Madara and Zetsu be next?

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