Friday, August 27, 2010

Naruto 508 Predictions

(everyone is shocked that Kisame has broken out of Yamato’s stockade, kisame is surrounded on all sides by bee naruto yamato aoba and motoi, he gets a sadistic smile on his face)
(thinking) well if I cant escape from this group it looks like I’ll have to separate them first (performs handseals) water release: multi-shark water bombs!

(massive sharks explode out of his bloody mouth, and hit all five ninja knocking them back at least 30 ft, guy, bee and aoba are out cold,naruto gets up and looks around, suddenly he is hit by a shark-shaped jet of water)

Kisame: (thinking) looks like those three are too weak to fight right now, ill see if I can still bring this prize back to madara. (back to yamato)

Yamato: (gets up) SHIT!! He’s after naruto

(yamato returns to the clearing to see bee guy and aoba still knocked out)

Yamato: this isn’t good guy’s too weak from opening the 7th celestial gate to fight, and bee got too much chakra drained from him. Hopefullynaruto can hold on until I get there (performs handseals) Wood release: multi wood clone jutsu (three wood clones morph out of him and spilt off in different directions)

Naruto: (steadies himself) looks like he’s after me now…(quickly looks up to see kisame above him with a kunai…naruto blocks with own, they lock eyes)

Kisame: heh this kid isn’t bad I thought as long as he didn’t have that aura around him he wasn’t this sharp, without samehada I will need to be carful if I’m going to take him down (he delivers a low kick,naruto blocks but is moved about 5 feet)

Kisame: (smiles) gotcha!! Water release: water prison technique! (naruto is trapped in a small water dome)

Naruto: (thinking) Damn it! I cant break free, I guess I’ll have to resort to that (The RS aura begins to form he holds his hand out towardskisame)

Kisame: heh that wont work…I can place as much water as I can onto this prison so you can…(is shocked)!!!!!!!!!

( the water is quickly spinning around his outstretched hand forming into a sphere, the water prison is receding)

(yamato returns to the clearing exhausted)

Yamato: damn it I still cant find him I have to keep search…(he turns around shocked to see kisame being hit by a massive stream of water)

Yamato: how the? (he sees naruto in RS mode, kisame is struggling on the ground)

Kisame: how could he…that’s not possible!!!

Naruto: looks like I’ll finish you off now (performs hand seals, yamato is shocked because he recognizes the seals)

Yamato: That’s…

Naruto: Water release: tearing torrent ( a flash of water streams from naruto’s hand and hit kisame square on ripping through his chest)

Yamato: (WTF face) HOW DID YOU DO THAT???

Naruto: what?


Naruto: oh well he had me trapped in a water prison, and I drew out some of the kyubis chakra, all of a sudden I understood about water nature chakra, and was able to use that technique that you used before

Yamato: (even more shocked, thinking) you mean he remembers those hand seals to that technique, I don’t know what I’m more afraid of that he performed that technique or that he really is that attentive

Kisame: well this is it…madara has his hands full with this guy especially if this is his new power (he dies)

(naruto stands over kisame clenching his fist in RS mode thinking)

Naruto: be prepared…..sasuke!


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